here are some highlights...and i promise to elaborate when things slow down a bit.
- we sold our house. and it wasn't even on the market. closing date is dec.30. more details coming soon.
- we have no idea where we are going to live. looking primarily in benton/bryant/maumelle. we have seen a few that we really like but nothing that we just LOVEEEEEEEEE. and the ones that we have LOVEEDDDDD just aren't conducive to what we really need. we are looking in maumelle tomorrow afternoon so PLEASE wish us luck and we need lots of prayers.
- chad and i BOTH have strep throat. it was/is horrible. absolutely HORRIBLE. hope to NEVER go through this again. graham is in texarkana with mimi and poppi and we are praying that he will not get it. so far so good though.
hope you all haven't missed us too much...LOL...