Thursday, November 27, 2008
Update on Sebastian
Monday, November 24, 2008
Baby It's Cold Outside
Sunday I went to Old Navy to buy Graham a few of these to send to daycare with him. For some CRAZY reason, Child Development Center is making the infants go outside for 20 - 30 minutes every day as long as it's above 40 degrees. I'm not the least bit happy about it and neither are the teachers. But what can I do about it? I'm just going to have to send a lot of winter stuff so they can bundle my baby up. If he catches pneumonia, I will not be a happy mommy. He sure does look as cute as can be in it though. :) He loved wearing it too!
Wednesday we are all leaving to go to Texarkana to be with my mom and step-dad for Thanksgiving. We cannot wait!! We are all so excited. Mom's dressing is the absolute best!! Graham and I are going to leave Wednesday afternoon so I won't have to drive in the dark with G in the car. Chad is going to drive down as soon as he gets off of work. He will have to drive back to Little Rock Friday evening cause he will have to work Saturday. We are very thankful that he has Thursday and Friday off though. Graham and I are going to stay until Sunday. :) Nanna (Chad's mom) is going to be here in LR watching after the furry children. She has to work on Friday so she didn't want to go to Texarkana with us. I wish my brother was going to be able to be with us for Thanksgiving and Christmas but he is still in Iraq. Please keep him in your thoughts and prayers. I can't wait to see him in Feb. and for him to meet his nephew.
I'm so thankful to have all of you, my wonderful family and friends as a part of our lives.
Happy Thanksgiving!!
Graham's First Cold...

Our Poor Sweet Kitty
Thursday, November 20, 2008
That smile....

"That" Moment Finally Arrived...
When I went to Graham's daycare on Monday, he was in his crib and was starting to awaken from his nap. So I went over to his crib and leaned over and started talking to him. He opened his eyes and saw me and guess what did I got? THE BIGGEST SMILE I've ever seen and he lifted his arms up ready for mommy to pick him up and hold him. I seriously wanted to just break down and cry right there but I didn't want Ms. Tracey or Ms. Karen to think I was nuts. It took 10 weeks for it to finally happen but it made me realize something. I can't push Graham to develop any faster than he is ready. He will do things at his own accord. My mom keeps telling me to let him do things when he wants to and to not make him grow up so fast. She's right. I can't keep pushing him. Like Dr. (Graham's pediatrician) told me: children develop at different times and no one kid is alike. Graham might start walking before another child his age does, but that child may start talking before Graham.
Lesson learned. :)
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's a bird! It's a plane! It's....
I kept trying to catch him smiling but my camera takes too long to FINALLY take the picture. I can't wait to get the Nikon D60 camera that Mimi and Poppi is buying us for Christmas!! We will no longer have that problem. :)
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Sebatian loves our lil Graham
Tuesday I was off for Veteran's Day and Graham was out of day care as well so we got to sleep in! YAY!!! Around 9am, Graham woke up and was ready for his diaper change and feeding so I went into his room and what do I find?!?! A sweet lil Sebastian curled up on Graham's bouncy seat...How adorable is that?? Sebastian has really taken to Graham and Chad and I think it's the sweetest thing.
Just some random pictures of Graham playing...and mommy taking pictures! OF COURSE!!
Graham's first fever
:( Ms. Tracey told me that Graham also had diahrea 3 times throughout the day and that his booty irritation turned into a pretty bad diaper rash. Triple whammy. Poor Poor thing.
When we got called back into the doctor's room, they took Graham's temperature and it was 99.4 which Dr. O said they really didn't consider it a fever until it reaches 100 but he wanted me to give him Tylenol and keep a watch on his temp. About his diahrea, they took a stool sample from his diaper and tested it for Rotovirus. That came back negative, thank goodness. Dr. said he could have a slight stomach bug since it's been going around or it could be from something in my breastmilk from something that I ate. He just told me to keep an eye out on that too. Now finally about his diaper rash...Dr. said that he has seen MUCH MUCH worse (he could tell I was very upset about it and wanted the pain that Graham was feeling to GO AWAY NOW!!) and for me to just wash his bottom with warm water (no wipes at all) and to let it air dry and to use hydrocortizone cream and to also just let him lay around naked for a while. The more air and less moisture on his bottom, the better.
While we were at the Drs office and afterwards as well, Graham was smiling and playful with mommy and didn't act like he felt bad anymore. I think he was just acting that way at daycare so he could come home with mommy. My baby already knows how to play hooky! Sneaky Sneaky lil thing!
Texarkana Trip
Mimi combed Graham's hair to the side and he wasn't too crazy about it....the look at his face tells it all! What a handsome lil devil! :)
Thursday, November 6, 2008
2 Month Stats
Graham weighs 11lbs and 12 ozs and is 23 1/8 inches long. He is in the 60% percentile for his weight and length. His head circumference measures 38.9 and he's in the 25th percentile. G has a tiny head and I love it! :)
Graham received his DTaP (Diphtheria, Tetanus & Pertussis), Prevnar (Pneumococcal Conjugate), HiB (Haemophilus Influenzea Type b), EIPV (Polio) and Rotavirus Vaccinations. Sounds like a lot, huh? Thankfully 3 of them are combined into one shot so he only had 2 pokes (One in each leg) and the Rotavirus was administered as an oral (swallowed) vaccine and HE LOVED it...He cried when she took it out of his mouth...he wanted MORE! Graham loves it when I give him Mylicon for Gas...guess it's a welcome change from the regular ol' breastmilk and formula. He did really well with the shots too. He cried from the initial poke but shortly after, he was good to go. He forgot all about it. :) Dr. A said that Graham could get a fever and be super fussy but thankfully, neither happened! I've noticed that since Graham started daycare he has been a much happier and calmer baby. Makes for a happier and calmer mommy and daddy too. :) While we were home on maternity leave, he was probably getting extreme cabin fever like his momma.
Dr. A put Graham on Polyvisol which is a multivitamin for infants and toddlers. She said breastfed and formula babies may not get enough iron and Vitamin D so I should give him one dropper daily.
Afterwards, we ate lunch at Jason's Deli and then went to Target to get his multivitamin. Now, this Polyvisol stuff says that it has a fruit flavor but it smells GROSS. I was afraid that Graham wouldn't like it too much and yep, I was right. He swallows it like he is supposed to but his face tells a story of great distaste.
"So very very good...thank you!"