Thursday we celebrated 28 years of my life. and it sure has flown by.
Let me back track and tell you that on Wednesday, I thought I was going to die. seriously. I woke up a little drowsy but thought I was going to be okay. i figured it was just from my ambian and a hot shower would wake up me. Took a shower like I normally do and felt fine. After the shower, I went to make Graham a morning bottle and that is when it hit me. Nausea. Bad. my mouth started watering and I felt the same way I felt when I had food poisoning. So I ran to the toilet. nothing. so i laid down on the cool tile. and that was that. I could barely lift my head. I went and laid in bed and would get so chilled and then hot. but I had to get up and go to work. i had wayyy too much to do to stay at home. and my cleaning ladies were coming. and i really wanted a clean house for my birthday. so i barely put any makeup on and dried my hair as much as I could without passing out and threw it in a ponytail. thank God for my husband because he fed Graham (as he does every weekday morning) and got him dressed for me so all I had to do was load him up and put him in the truck. I got G to school and got myself to work but pretty much laid on my boss' couch til around 12:30pm. I was so weak, I could barely lift my head, I had a terrible headache, I was chilled to the bone and I couldn't eat anything. So I came home and stayed in bed til around 7pm. Then I took me some flu meds, took a hot bath and went back to bed. I guess whatever I had, I sweated out in my sleep because by the time I woke up for my birthday, I felt A LOT better. not GREAT but much much MUCH better.
So my wonderful husband cooked me breakfast and then he worked outside to get the yard and house looking good.
Then we put G in the pool. He had so much fun!! He is definitely a water baby!
We also went to Graham's new daycare so G could meet his new teachers before he begins on Tuesday.
Afterwards, we went to dinner at Texas Roadhouse where Mimi & Poppi (my mom and stepdad) surprised me!! They came from Texarkana just to be with me on my birthday. They are so awesome!!! Shana and Shauntel and Jared also joined me for my birthday dinner as well! Shana and Shauntel haven't been able to be with me on my birthday for YEARS so they really wanted to celebrate with us and I am so glad that they did. I wish I would have gotten pictures at dinner but I didn't. I was too busy visiting with everyone and plus, my child was being a handful. We used to be able to go to dinner and Graham would just sit there and be so good. Well, since he has started crawling, that is no longer the case. This child does NOT want to be confined or held he wants to be into EVERYTHING. and that he is. I miss my cuddle bug.
Graham got mommy a monogrammed (because what woman from the south doesn't just absolutely LOVE monogramming??) apron that I have wanted for a while but I just wouldn't buy for myself. Chad painted the shutters on the house black and the doors red for me. Yes, this is what I asked for for my birthday. I'm a practical person. :) I would have taken a picture of the front of the house but for privacy purposes, I won't.

Thank you to my wonderful friends, family, wonderful husband and son. I am so very blessed that I have such awesome people in my life. This has been the best birthday ever!!! God is good.
My parents got me this cutter. I have no idea how to use it but I guess I will learn pretty soon! :) I've never scrapbooked in my entire life. Any tips would be awesome!!

Shana got me this necklace and I just LOVEEEEEE it!!!
Shauntel and Jared got me this beautiful Lantana plant. She said it was impossible to kill unless the dog eats it. I should do pretty well with this one if that's the case. If you know me, you know I am no green thumb and flowers don't last long in my care. ha!