Saturday, June 27, 2009

Ultrasound Update

Monday Graham had his 930am ultrasound at AR Children's Hospital. Both of his "boys" are definitely there and getting great blood flow. YAY!!! that was his pedi's main concern (she could only find one). They won't stay dropped though. And that can be a problem.

The ultrasound tech told us to call his pediatrician's office on Wednesday and they will have the report and can tell us what to do from there. So, I called his pedi's office on Wednesday. twice. never heard from them. called Thursday. twice. never heard from them. called Friday and left another message. waited two hours. got frustrated. so I finally called the appointment line and pretty much was in tears because I was so DANG frustrated that no one would call me back. and there was nothing that she could do. so she told me to call the nurses line AGAIN and leave another message. Every single time that I called, I was so nice. Well, the last time I wasn't. well. I was. I was just VERY STERN about them calling me back. So FINALLYYYYYYY. two hours later I got a call back from the nurse. only to be told that they didn't have the report and that the system at ACH was down and she would call me back later in the afternoon. 4:30pm rolls around and she finally called me back. to tell me that they still didn't have the report (even though I called ACH on Wed and they told me that the pedi office had it) and that she will have to call me on Tuesday but if it was something urgent, then they would call me before then. Don't you just love doctor's offices???? So that's what we know. I have a feeling that she is going to tell me what she always tells me though.

"Let's just wait to see if they drop by the time he is a year old and if they haven't, we will get Graham to a urologist."

Keep on praying for Graham!! We really appreciate all of the care and concern from all of our friends and family. It means the world!!

G did so well at his appointment so he got some watermelon when we got home! He was definitely a fan...not so much a fan of Kiwi though. It was quite tart for his liking.


Holli said...

My nephew had the same thing. DON'T WORRY! I'm praying!

jill said...

bless his heart! i hope it all resolves on its own! we'll definitely keep saying our prayers. love the watermelon shots!!! go figure ... my little chicky loves sour and tart foods. pickles, kiwi, all of it. the more tart, the better!

hannah said...

i'll be thinking of you guys. it's so difficult worrying about him, isn't it? but we will all be praying for him...and from the outside looking in...i am confident that all will turn out right. and good. and well.

he looks so adorable eating that watermelon! i love how he's holding up his bib to catch the juice. at least, that's what it looks like he's doing! i LOVE it!