what do you think? mimi and i think so. daddy is on the fence. these pictures were taken about a week and a half ago and now his bangs are almost to his eyebrows. it's OUT OF CONTROL!!! but i've always heard to wait til he is a year old. isn't that just some myth or something? or maybe a superstition? it's just long ALL OVER. it's growing like crazy. it's starting to look like an afro.
what are your opinions of the "waiting til a year" thing?
should we go ahead and get him a lil trim?
i don't have any kiddos, but i think it would be fine to go ahead and give him a trim if he needs one.
also, i LOVE your paint color in these pics!
i always waited the year, even with the boys.
however, nothing bad is going to happen i you don't wait. he wont be seeing a therapist in 20 years saying, "it all started when my mom cut my hair before i was one . . '
be prepared though, he will seem to age like an entire year with a hair cut. something about the first hair cut makes them look more like toddlers and less like the babies we want them to stay :)
it is up to you. i have been on mullet patrol with calleigh, but so far we are good. i have heard that once they get that first hair cut, they look too grown up and it can be sad. ;-)
Andrew's haircut was before a year. But I have to agree with Melissa - I love that green paint color!
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